
Service Hints and Tips


There are a few other ways that you can best look after your machine and often increase the performance and lifetime. Below you will find a number of quick and easy service hints and tips from our amazing Service Engineer Oscar!

Getting an Annual Service

Getting an annual service for your system is crucial. In order to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your imaging equipment. This not only helps your system perform better, but it will allow you to perform better as well. Not having an annual service done on your system can have some not-so-welcome side effects, for example:

  • Animal hairs can block fans which can decrease system performance.
  • Image quality can be impacted by something as simple as dust build-up, which could result in inaccurate ultrasound image readings.
  • Worst-case scenario – a system can fail due to wear and tear not being picked up in time.
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Exporting your ultrasound images

If you haven’t exported your ultrasound images on your GE ultrasound system in while. It’s a good idea to do so, as a full hard drive can slow down your entire system. You can check how much space you have left on your system. By clicking the “Patient” button and hovering over the disc icon on the left side of your screen. If there is less than 50% of your hard drive space remaining. It is always a great idea to back-up your images. And clear the patient list in order to ensure that your system is performing at its best.

Use a UPS or Surge Protector Plug

Unfortunately, the reality in South Africa is that load shedding can strike at any given moment. We recommend that either an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or surge protector plug is purchased and used with every system to avoid any damage to your system due to load shedding. Having a UPS will also give you the time you need to finish off and save any studies that you might be busy with, before shutting down all your equipment safely.

Keep your DR panel cool.

If you want your DR panel to perform at its best, we recommend that you keep the panel temperature under 35 degrees Celsius when in use. We know that our South African heat will not always allow for this but keeping your DR system in a well-ventilated or air-conditioned environment can do wonders in order to give you that crisp image quality that you’ve become accustomed to.

Clarox DR X ray System 1
