
Key success factors for deep AI


Technician quality and protocol

The quality of the breeding technician is important and they need a high level of training with experts. They have to be patient and not force the cannula inside the sow (especially gilts). If the cannula does not pass through the cervix, they have to move to the next sow/gilt and come back later.

It is important to have a robust protocol and to follow results on a defined period. The learning curve is longer than for traditional insemination.

IMV technicians can implement our PCAI protocol in farms and train in boar studs to prepare the best semen dose for best performance.

Source: Dr. Nicoline Soede (Wageningen University around 1992)

Semen dose quality (semen analyzer and NutriXcell Plus)

Two key points to optimize the quality of semen doses are the semen analyzer and the media.

To determine the best quality of semen dose, you need to use a high performance semen analyzer like Ivos II

  • To determine useful concentration
  • To check abnormalities population
  • To improve ejaculate selection
  • To determine accurate concentration

Extend semen with high value media like NutriXcell Plus, which offers a high fertilization potential and is composed of high-grade ingredients:

  1. Advanced antibiotic complex
  2. Advanced antioxidant
  3. Advanced acrosome protection

Deep catheter quality

We recommend using DeepGoldenPig designed with an adapted hole to avoid backflow and to have a perfect lock into the cervix thanks to its molded foam tip. The narrow inner tube is flexible to avoid uterine tract damage and has a protective rounded head. A connector on the inner tube allows universal use and can be removed if you connect it with a GTB Bag (so it can be used as a sanitary protection). 

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